HomeUnboxingsOwlCrateUnboxing: Review of OwlCrate May 2019

Unboxing: Review of OwlCrate May 2019

“Epic Adventures”

OwlCrate May 2019 Unboxing

Here we have OwlCrate’s May: Epic Adventures box. It was, well, epic! (I can’t resist, I apologize).

First we have this glass water bottle featuring a quote from Neil Gaiman’s Stardust “Without our stories we are incomplete.” Who doesn’t love Neil Gaiman or at the very least appreciate his genius? Very happy to have a water bottle featuring his words, and I was blown away that this was glass!

OwlCrate May 2019 bottle

Next was a pillowcase designed by Stella Bookish Art based on a Lila Bard quote from A Darker Shade of Magic. I really like this pillowcase. There is so much detail and I really like the different colour palette – almost turquoisey-green with reds, blues and golds, hot air balloons, pirate ships, spyglasses! It fits in well with the past pillowcases from OwlCrate and I’m loving the summer vibes.

OwlCrate May 2019 pillow case

If you’re going on an adventure you probably need your passport … unless you’re me and you don’t go anywhere and don’t even own a passport! But if you do you’ll be able to use this handy adventure passport wallet. This wallet features a quote from The Hobbit and was designed by Kit Cronk Studio. Now, have no fear if you don’t have a passport and your vast adventures really just include a few overnight stays with family because this works wonderfully as a first aid or medicine kit! It’s waterproof and full of excellent compartments for various tools/medicines/etc.

OwlCrate May 2019 passport wallet

My favourite item was this super soft purple sleep mask with a quote from our forever favourite Rhysand. We tent in the summer and a sleep mask is essential unless you want to be up with the birds at 5:00am! This is a comfy mask that doesn’t dig into my nose or the back of my head and really does cancel out light (not always a given with sleep masks, trust me).

OwlCrate May 2019 sleep mask

Lastly is a Howl’s Moving Castle inspired sticker designed by Naomi Lord and the paper items: Monthly mini magazine (with author interview, puzzles, book recommendations, vendor interview, sneak peeks, etc), spoiler card, and sneak peak card for next month.

OwlCrate May 2019 papers

The book pick of the month was We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal. This book has received a ton of buzz and attention this year, I’m excited to see if it will live up to it!

OwlCrate May 2019 We Hunt the Flame

The lovely enamel pin was designed by IceyDesigns – the author of We Hunt the Flame’s design company! It is really cool the author herself designed this month’s pin!

OwlCrate May 2019 enamel pin

Overall Rating: A+

  • Water Bottle 3/3

  • Pillow case 3/3

  • Passport Wallet 2/3: My only complaint is that the zipper is quite finicky and often gets jammed, but I’m really glad I was able to find a use for it other than a passport holder. (My passport wallet was actually badly damaged, with a massive hole at the bottom of the front pocket – OwlCrate customer service sent me a replacement right away).

  • Sleep mask 3/3

  • Sticker 2/3: It’s an excellent sticker, great quality vinyl and the artist did a great job I just have no idea what Howl’s Moving Castle is and therefore don’t have a lot of use for it …

  • + 2 Bonus points: 1 for the really cool enamel pin, 1 for amazing OwlCrate customer service.

It’s no secret I love OwlCrate and this was another great box with useable, high quality items. Their customer service is still the best I’ve ever received from a company (has been since day one and my first ever box was sent to Fiji instead of Canada) and I can’t recommend them enough.

Note on Rating: I rate each item out of 3 possible points: 1 for quality, 1 for usefulness, and 1 for if I personally liked the item/fandom. I then assign an overall letter rating for the whole box.

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