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Holiday Bucket List

Holiday Bucket List

So, here are three major things to remember with bucket lists of any kind …

  1. The majority of the items need to be small, fast, and doable. (Who has extra time right now?)

  2. They need to be full of activities you WANT to do, not what you think you SHOULD do. If you fill your list with the latter it is doomed from the beginning.

  3. Most importantly – they must be taken with a grain of salt, and in the spirit of fun. As soon as you find yourself feeling stressed that you aren’t getting to enough activities you have to allow yourself the grace to remember holiday seasons are bananas and let go.

So if you want to add a little extra fun to your holiday season, feel free to steal this list and add to/eliminate as you personally prefer. I guarantee it will add to your enjoyment and it feels so stinkin’ good to check off items on a list, doesn’t it?

My personal favourite part of bucket lists is at the end you have proof you actually accomplished time together during the season. It goes by so fast, I often feel I didn’t do enough … each check mark fights that negative thinking.

This holiday season I hope you find time to be with those you love, find time to be with yourself, and above all – wherever you go, whatever you do make a conscious effort to be all there.

2019 Holiday Bucket List

  1. Make old fashioned snowflakes and hang them from the ceiling

  2. Take a plaid family photo or selfie

  3. Make a batch of hot chocolate and go look at Christmas lights

  4. Mail a card to a friend or bookstagram bestie

  5. Watch Elf

  6. String twinkle lights to your headboard

  7. Bake cookies – preferably Christmas shaped, but any will do!

  8. Buy holiday socks

  9. Create your own holiday cocktail – alcoholic or not

  10. Buy something pine scented

  11. Discover a new Christmas song (check out my playlists here for inspiration)

  12. Make an ultimate Christmas playlist

  13. Complete a winter themed puzzle

  14. Do a dramatic reading of The Night Before Christmas

  15. Donate to a toy drive or local charity

Welcome to And other tales. The little corner of the interweb where we don’t count cups of coffee, believe cancelling plans to stay home & read is just good life advice, refuse to acknowledge the calories in baked goods and will never judge you on the number of marshmallows in your hot chocolate or the size of your TBR piles. Curl up, get comfy and click through for book reviews, life chats, playlists, vegan & gluten free baking recipes, gift guides and more.

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