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Under-Appreciated Reads

Underappreciated Reads

I always enjoy seeing people’s picks for underappreciated reads. I usually find some amazing gems that become favourites. So in the hope of showing some more books that could use more love, her are my top underappreciated reads:

  1. The Sandcastle Empire: To be fair this was my first dystopian novel, but it still one that I think about. What stuck with me the most was how very plausible this dystopian world that Kayla Olson created was. The unequal distribution of wealth amongst a planet that is squandering and losing natural resources eventually leading to societal collapse … well, it resonates. But it was also an interesting and compulsively readable novel that was a combination of Lost & Survivor wrapped together with a mystery, evil geniuses,  future technology and a bit of romance.

  2. The Lost Queen: This was just epic – the word I use every time I describe this book. A well done historical fiction set in 6th century Scotland (aka Dark Ages) centring around a strong female, magic and romance. You can read my full review here.

  3. The Last Magician: Technically, this is YA, but I feel it has great crossover with adult fiction. Really interesting magic system in which our main lady can manipulate time and travels between modern day NYC, 1920s NYC, and mostly early 20th century New York. Intriguing, romantic, with big twists, and so very atmospheric.

  4. The Queen of Blood: This is just an excellent fantasy – technically adult fantasy, but has great crossover with YA. If you liked The Cruel Prince, you’re going to like this one. In the world of Renthia people live in trees – a complicated network of villages, palaces, kingdoms up in the treetops! Evil forest spirits hunt humans and want to purge them from existence and the only thing stopping them is the queen – in possession of magic that can stop the spirits. Because queen’s are human and can die, young women must be trained as heirs … enter Daleina and the academy for training heirs. The originality here is fantastic, the lack of girl-hate-girl tropes is refreshing, it has grit, gore and believability. It’s a perfect fantasy.

  5. The Hearts We Sold: Such an emotional book packaged in an unassuming little YA. The gist: in this world demons exist amongst us and you can bargain with them for making a wish come true – usually the payment being an appendage. The demon Dee makes a deal with (money to stay at her boarding school in order to avoid her home life) takes her heart. Dee, along with a rag tag group of “heartless”, fight to banish monsters from our world. While the unique concept of this book is fantastic it has an impressive emotional depth exploring domestic abuse and finding your strength. It touched me personally and broke my heart.

  6. The Last Namsara: My quintessential dragon novel. If you love dragons, you must read this. Dragons are wise, old creatures that used to live in harmony with humans until they started being systematically annihilated … in fact our heroine begins as a dragon slayer. Her weapon? Her spoken stories. Asha is trapped under a patriarchal system of oppression until she is offered a deal – bring the head of the oldest, deadliest dragon. In her quest to find her freedom she discovers everything she’s been told & taught about dragons and her life have been a lie.

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